Wednesday, June 17, 2015



Am I dating myself if I tell you that the title of this blog is based on the song by Robert Palmer?  Oh, well…so be it!

I woke up the other morning in kind of a funk with my brain on fire about all of the things that I NEED to do. When I start thinking in this irrational manner, I begin to feel very overwhelmed, unfocused and despondent because I can’t even imagine how I am ever going to get to all of it! I know, this has never happened to you……NOT!

I decided to process this dysfunctional thinking of mine through this blog. What causes this thinking? I know myself very well and can identify that some of this is because I tend to be somewhat task oriented and once I assign myself a task, I want to get it done NOW! This is okay most of the time because it is a great motivator. It is not okay when I have assigned myself (or to be truthful when my bosses assign me) too many things at once. I do know how to prioritize so that is not the problem. The problem is that it is irrational for me to think that I can complete many complex projects immediately, if not sooner! My rigid expectations of myself create the irrational thinking….”I need to get these things done and I already have too much to do this weekend!” “I can’t do this!” “I’ll never get it all done!”

How does this thinking help me? The fact is, it doesn’t. I just become a big, old cranky pants. Who wants to be around a cranky pants? No-one. So, let’s analyze this thinking.
Do I need to get it all done today? Of course not. I just want to!  Yes, that is truly what the problem is. I do have so many projects at home and at work that I want to work on. I want to read the book on personality disorders. I want to read the book on binge eating and dietary addictions. I want to do menu planning for healthy eating. I want to research for our vacation. I want to do some research for something my husband is thinking about. I want, I want, I want! If I then challenge that thinking by stating that I don’t need to get it all done today or this week, then I will not be as overwhelmed. Will my bosses think less of me if I can’t get their projects done today? Probably not; as a matter of fact they probably don’t even have the expectation that I should get it done today. That’s my rigid standard!

Do you have rigid standards for your “To Do” list? Does this make you anxious, frustrated, overwhelmed and cranky? Challenge that thinking. Are there other reasons that your own “To Do” list is doing this to you? Challenge that thinking.

Guess what? The day after I was thinking those irrational thoughts I woke up and thought, “Now what was it I so NEEDED to do?” Oh, guess I didn’t need to do all of that stuff immediately after all.

Be more rational! It is much more healthy!

Bonnie Lillis, LPC
Clinical Director

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