Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Moving Mental Health Forward

We at NECBT were deeply affected by Robin Williams' death. Suicide is an avoidable tragedy when individuals receive proper treatment for their Mental Health disorders.

It has always been our mission at NECBT to Move Mental Health Forward with Evidence-Based Treatment. It is of paramount importance that those who are living with symptoms of mental health disorders receive the treatment they need. At NECBT, our therapists are making a difference using Thomas A. Cordier's Interpersonal Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (I-CBT). I-CBT is highly effective for treating symptoms associated with mental health disorders, including Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar, OCD, PTSD, as well as many others.

This past Sunday, 8/17, we premiered our first television commercial on the Connecticut CBS affiliate, WFSB. It is our intention to help as many people as we can, and to spread our message as far and wide as possible. In the past we have relied on word of mouth and social media to help us communicate our mission. Now, we want to reach even more people to make sure that everyone knows that NECBT is here to help. This is why we have now begun to advertise on broadcast television.

Please share this wherever you can. You never know who may be living with mental illness and could use some help. We teach patients skills to help them work through their symptoms. Even after they move on from our program these coping skills are always with them as they navigate new life challenges.

If you or your loved one is in need of treatment, please call our office at 860-430-5515.


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